The night sky background has immense appeal to pretty much everyone because they not only work great for designing wallpapers but also because they are really aesthetic and imaginative. Not to mention that a night sky background offers some variety of its own too. You can have a starry night sky background or a night sky night clouds background and a few others. In this guide, we will provide you with apt image editing applications that can enhance your night sky pictures as well as help you edit out parts of images to make a night sky background. For instance, make use of the image denoiser to remove issues like image noise and blur from your night sky background images.

Moreover, we will also go through the simple steps of using these applications. Lastly, you will also find ten tips for creating and capturing the best night sky background photos in simple enough ways.

VanceAI Image Denoiser: Eliminate Night Sky Noise with AI

Though it is common for all images, a photo denoise tool is absolutely essential when you are dealing with a night sky image or background. The reason is that a night sky background works because of the ambiance, lighting, and contrast more than anything. With VanceAI Image Denoiser, you can make sure that your aesthetic night sky background remains aesthetic with minimal flaws. Things such as image noise and blur can significantly impact your background in a negative way and end up making the background look low quality and unusable.

VanceAI Image Denoiser

VanceAI Image Denoiser and other tools from VanceAI make use of AI and Machine Learning technologies to ensure that the images processed are at their best quality. The image denoiser tool works automatically due to the AI based technology. However, it still offers options to users. They can adjust the amount of denoising in order to have better control over the output.

How to Use VanceAI Image Denoiser

  1. You can get started by first using the link given above to access the application online. From there, you can click on the Upload Image button to proceed ahead. The rest of the page contains examples and info.

step 1

2. This is the VanceAI Workspace. Here, you can upload images, change settings, switch between different VanceAI tools, and much more. Upload an image and adjust the settings according to your preference. Now, click on Start to Process.

step 2

3. You will soon see a notification on the Processed tab. Go there, use the Preview icon on the right, and click on Download Image to save the image in your device.

step 3

From the above comparison image, we can see that the image denoiser is really good at sharpening and polishing an image to make it look much better than before. However, for users who aren't experienced with image editing, the Auto Parameter option is the best way to go as manually setting parameters can result in some loss of detail as seen above.

How to Get the Best Night Sky Background Photos

Though this may require more to do as compared to using the image denoiser, the results can be worth it and creative. You can make use of BGremover to take any image and edit out the object from it. For example, you can take any black or white background image with a moon in it and edit out the moon. After that, use any application such as VanceAI, Canva, or Fotor to place the moon onto a new night sky background that would look better with the moon in it.

Follow the same steps as shown for the image denoiser to remove background from the image. After you have done that, you should download the output.

download output

BGremover is one of the best tools that can remove background with great accuracy. It also maintains the image quality as the original.

Once you get an output like this, you can use the object remaining to edit in any way you want. You can click on the Edit option on the Processed tab to use the editor mode and make changes. Otherwise, you can also use an app such as Canva to make a night sky background.

remove background

While this is just an example image, it can be noted that the editor provided by the app has a lot of tools and options to choose from. You can insert a new solid background or a night sky background as shown above. Moreover, you can also add text, rotate the image, adjust saturation, and more. This particular example is an aesthetic night sky background that you can often find on Pinterest and Tumblr.

10 Tips for Creating the Night Sky Photos

Now let's go over some useful tips on how to create night sky background photos.

1. Try Many Locations

The trick with night sky background and photography is that they can change a lot depending on the climate and pollution. Not to mention the time when you actually take the photo. Therefore, it is best to try out many locations as it will give you a better sense of your photos and the style that you should aim for. Just the change of terrain can make a huge difference.

Try Many Locations

2. Night Sky Photography Isn't Limited to Dark Skies

When you hear the term ‘night sky background' or photography, you'd think that there's only one type of photography wherein you take some pictures near midnight with the moon. However, that's not the case. You can definitely get some great photos just after sunset as well. Those kinds of pictures remind us of the night but still have some influence of light as well. They can make for some unique shots.

Night Sky Photography Isn't Limited to Dark Skies

3. Be Prepared with the Gear

Given the dynamic nature of night sky photography, it is crucial to have all the gear and lenses that you need. For this, you should definitely have a good set of wide lenses since you will probably be capturing the entire night sky in a single shot. A timelapse feature would be really useful too. Moreover, take a tripod for stability and to keep the phone still for some videos as well.

Be Prepared with the Gear

4. Keep Updated with the Climate and More

As mentioned before, the climate, weather, and other similar factors can affect the way you approach night sky background photography. However, keeping track of the climate can not only help you avoid certain areas but it can actually give you hints as to where you may get great shots. Following trends can tell you about the stars and whether something unique is going to appear in the sky like fog or stars.

Keep Updated with the Climate and More

5. Focus on the Moon

Night sky background images tend to look better and more personal if they involve a good shot of the moon. They can serve as reminders of a great night while elevating your background considerably. When you have a moon present at night, you can position your frame and follow the law of thirds to get an appealing photo of the night sky background with the moon in it.

Focus on the Moon

6. Use Photo Noise Reduction Online Apps

Needless to say, many image editing apps such as the ones for photo noise reduction online can improve your already great night sky background photos by a great margin. Cameras can many times take photos with a lot of image noise that can ruin the quality of the image. With image editing apps like the one linked above, you can get rid of image noise and have original quality photos within seconds.

Focus on the Moon

7. Include Yourself

Many people would rightly use a night sky background as their own wallpaper to better personalize their mobile phone, laptop, or anything else. If you can get a photo with yourself in the night sky background, it adds more immersion to the picture. Moreover, it can also be a picture that tells a story.

This image is incredible and memorable because it successfully tells a story of traveling at night for a once in a lifetime scenic view.

Include Yourself

8. Lookout for Special Days

There are quite a few special occasions or motions happening in the sky such as eclipses, appearance of a planetary body not usually seen, and similar. As a night sky photographer, you should always be on a lookout for such dates because one of those might just end up offering you your best night sky background yet. Keeping up with these dates not only shows professionalism but also ends up being immensely rewarding since you get to capture something that is not going to happen anytime soon.

Lookout for Special Days

9. Include Structures

A night sky background is already stunning but if it also has the backdrop of the vast mountains and roads, it's pretty much unbeatable. Similarly, you shouldn't shy away from including other structures such as buildings, city streets, bridges, etc into the frame because they can act as great contrast to the night sky. Even the darkest of images have some sort of light in order to catch attention and these structures can do just that.

Include Structures

10. Research Your Camera

When it comes to capturing a starry night sky background, the camera you use will matter the most. The same goes for other kinds of night sky background photography, such as moon photos or clear night skies. The best but most expensive option is certainly a full frame 35mm sensor camera. However, you can still research for more options to get a camera most suitable for you.

Research Your Camera


Getting a great night sky background is not really difficult as long as you follow a few crucial tips given in this guide. Considering the advanced cameras and smartphones, you can definitely get a good night sky photo. However, the main thing to remember is to remove the image noise from the image, if present. Use good image editing software such as VanceAI Image Denoiser for such tasks. Moreover, keep taking more and more night sky background photos to improve. There are many ways to get a good photo and the more photos you take, the better your chances of landing a great night sky photo.

Also reads:Top 10 Tools to Denoise Your Photos Review 2024

Mia Woods
Senior Editor

Mia Woods is a senior editor and guest writer at TopTen.AI, specializing in news, topical, and popular science articles. With a strong passion for these subjects, Mia has conducted extensive research over the years. And Mia has achieved impressive results in these areas and has worked with top media organizations to provide them with high-quality articles. As an important member of TopTen.AI, Mia strives to deliver accurate, real-time, objective information and provide insight through her passionate articles. So that readers can fully understand the latest news developments and scientific progress, broaden their horizons, and deepen their understanding of all aspects of the world.

Image Denoiser

VanceAI Image Denoiser helps denoise image in seconds with cutting-edge Denoise AI algorithms

  • AI Photo Enhancer
  • $4.95 for 100 credits
  • $17.95 for 1000 credits
  • Free to try.
  • Simple UI and easy to use.
  • Many other functions available.
  • Not very cheap.