AI is Used in the Development of Smart Cities Now

In this modern age, "Smart Cities" are urban areas which based on communication and information technologies to increase economic growth, and improve quality of life and uphold governance structures. Now with the help of AI smart cities are continuously innovating. Due to the AI in smart cities, these cities are then able to control the traffic, waste, and maintenance, improve performance management, improve data security and privacy as well as predict future needs, energy consumption, pollution risks, and the effects on the surroundings. AI in smart cities causes lesser effects on climate change, smarter decisions, and improved life quality. here we will discuss how AI is used to facilitate the development of smart cities.

What are smart cities?

"Smart Cities" are urban areas which based on communication and information technologies to increase economic growth, improve quality of life and uphold governance structures. For example, a municipal authority may interconnect its transport and energy grid systems, and make sensor-equipped, buildings with efficient energy. To enable better monitoring and access to healthcare, emergency, and other public services it may develop communication and information. According to the McKinsey study,  smart cities are based on three layers that intertwine to make smart cities functional.

  • Technology
  • Governance
  • Purpose

Firstly, the technological bases consist of smartphones and sensor-equipped devices, hardware, and software producing data and connecting to high-speed communication networks. Secondly, Governance means computers to process the data and information to provide workable solutions for specific issues. The third one is the purpose, the general public interaction with these technologies and all of the applications of technologies of smart cities depend on individuals using them and providing data to make predictions simultaneously.

ai in smart cities

What fields can AI be used in smart cities?

Security and Public Safety

Typically, security camera footage is used to review when a crime has been reported, this doesn't prevent criminality. Security cameras in smart cities that use AI can analyze footage in real-time and detect illegal behavior which can then be immediately reported and dealt with. The cameras with AI can also detect somebody from their clothes, authorizing the technology to find suspects quicker than ever. AI in smart cities is used for public safety.  To save lives and lower crime the networks of sensors and cameras with AI can be used.  Due to AI in smart cities, traffic lights and congestion data can be used by crisis services to get to their destinations instantaneously and more safely. AI in smart cities can gather data on accidents or select other factors to measure to invent predictive and preventative actions for the future.

Energy Tracking and Power Grids

AI in smart cities can be used to analyze and track business and citizen energy usage, and for energy storage, in power grids with this data, it can be fixed where to implicate renewable sources of power. Energy tracker with AI can also show cities where energy is being wasted and how it can be saved and stored. AI and smart cities can enhance the safety of power grids and improve performance management. Smart grids or power networks, such as generation plants, that are implanted with artificial intelligence technology can complete smart meter readings of large quantities of data to assess and predict market response and load clustering.

Public Transportation and traffic management

With the use of AI in smart cities public transport has been innovated. To improve timing and customer satisfaction. Traffic management technology allows public transport users to acquire and access live updates and tracking, using deep learning AI, this can reduce the pollution created by traffic too. To improve routes, and increase the frequency automated busses are also planned to be used within smart cities, which can reduce emissions.

Waste Management and Pollution Controlling

AI and machine learning in smart cities are used to analyze the current pollutants and indicate the pollution levels for the next 2 hours. AI technology allows authorities to make judgments in advance to reduce pollution's effect on the environment. In addition to controlling pollution smart cities are also used artificial intelligence for waste management. Smart cities use AI-powered robots to sort rubbish, track recycling, and identify what can be recycled in the area, as well as clean areas such as lakes and rivers.

Parking Systems and Maintenance

RoadBotics is a company that has developed an AI technology that can analyze road imagery to then assess issues and make cost-effective solutions. AI in smart cities allows knowing when and where repairs need to take place and make cost-effective solutions to deal with them while saving money. AI technology also improves safety within smart cities as problems will not go neglected. Car parks can detect cars that have outstayed hours with the help of AI license plate recognition technology. Moreover, AI technology can recommend spaces depending on the car and can enforce tickets and payments.

Future needs Predication

Smart cities with AI technology can better predict the future needs of the people. Now it is possible in smart cities to know when new energy sources are needed or when more sustainable methods can be implemented using energy tracking technology with AI. Some AI technology in smart cities can also indicate and help plan property developments, this means houses are put onto the market during the time they are needed.


AI is used in smart cities to increase economic growth, improve quality of life and uphold governance structures. Now with the help of AI smart cities are continuously innovating. AI in smart cities is used in many fields such as pollution control, traffic management, waste management, maintenance, data security, and privacy as well as predicting future needs, energy consumption, and the environment. In short, AI has incredibly changed smart cities.

If you are interested in other application of AI, you can also read: AI is Changing Smart Home Devices Now

Contribution of AI In Healthcare: Technology To The Rescue!

Mia Woods
Senior Editor

Mia Woods is a senior editor and guest writer at TopTen.AI, specializing in news, topical, and popular science articles. With a strong passion for these subjects, Mia has conducted extensive research over the years. And Mia has achieved impressive results in these areas and has worked with top media organizations to provide them with high-quality articles. As an important member of TopTen.AI, Mia strives to deliver accurate, real-time, objective information and provide insight through her passionate articles. So that readers can fully understand the latest news developments and scientific progress, broaden their horizons, and deepen their understanding of all aspects of the world.